1.Looks as if it was made by a sharp edge of something in metal.
2.Was opposite, allegedly CK also is to see above the travesty that I mention just begins a sword to go slant sharp edge.
3.A narrow barrel with a razor-sharp edge (think of a very big apple corer) shoots down and pierces the undrilled layer of earth below.
4.DIFFRACTION, the ability of light to bend around a sharp edge, certainly gave credence to the idea that light was a form of wave motion.
5.mesh point and fine words with elastic deformation recovery slow low produced more able to maintain a sharp edge of the plate.
6.The design of this eyebrow scissors , with the sharp edge and curve blade, trim and shape brows can be much more easier.
7.The construction of Stonehenge, the original rough surface planing, the sharp edge will be worn away into a smooth arc.
8.Because normal vector at sharp edge and corner is discontinuous, node located at such position must be treated specially.
9.The result of cutting, especially an opening or wound made by a sharp edge.
10.There is no other support for the body than the sharp edge that presides over its cutting up.